

P.H.D FUNdamentals Elements Floor & Vault Competition 2022

We are delighted to bring back our Floor and Vault Competition on Saturday 26th March. The first competition the club has held in two years and the most number of entries we have had to date! Good luck to everyone involved!


P.H.D FUNdamentals Christmas Display 2021

On Sunday 5th December 2021, we held our first Christmas Display since 2019. It was so good to have classes work towards something together we were so excited to show everyone! As the restriction had not lifted it, we had someone come in and film us! With 22 different displays and our four piece squad showing off their individual routines, we had a ball. Our display is on YouTube, just get in touch for a link to watch back. We also have photos available to buy too.  



Radio Borders Cash for Kids

Thank you to everyone who supported us. We raised £15040.59! These funds will go towards 

our next project coming soon....


Sports Challenge


We have accepted the challange to raise £1,000 in just four weeks! As one of just 9 clubs

across the Scottish Borders and Northumberland, we are working with Radio Borders to

raise funds in the Cash for Kids Sports Challenge. Starting on Monday 13th September,

we will be hosting a series of fundraising events over the next four weeks to raise our target!


You can also donate to our page by simply clicking here!


Book Week

This week we are will be selling book in all our sessions!

We have been kindly donated lots of books for all ages! When you

pop in to class to sign your child in, please have a look at what books

we have! 


All money goes towards our target of £1000!



Tote tie-dye session

On Friday 24th September we will be hosting a Tie-dye

session at the Gytes Leisure Centre 18:30-19:30.

There are only a limited number of spaces so book quick by

clicking here! Tickets are £8 paid on the night which

includes your very own club tote bag. 

Please wear old clothes however we will

provide gloves and an apron. 




Movie Night

Back by popular demand, we are hosting a Movie Night on

Friday 1st October at the Gytes Leisure Centre 18:30-20:30.

Come along in your onesies and we will the popcorn and juice.

Please bring along the a water refillable water bottle.

Tickets are limited and can be booked here.





Schoolz Out For Summer!



This summer P.H.D FUNdamentals are delighted to offer a number of brand NEW activities just for summer! We have been lucky enough to be supported by Youth Borders to bring you these new opportunities! Check out our list below for details. But don't worry we are still offering our week long camp for our die hard gymnasts :)


Gymnastics Summer Camp 2021

Monday 19th July - Friday 23rd July 09:00-17:00

Join us this summer at the Gytes Leisure Centre for a

jam packed week full of gymnastics, fun and laughter.

Make new friends and learn new skills on beam, floor,

vault, bars and boys p-bars and pommel too!

Open to all school age children and abilities.

Only £136 for the full week and includes a t-shirt.

Spaces are limited so email to book!



NEW Half Day Gymnastics Camps

Thursdays 29th July, 5th and 12th August 13:00-16:00

We are delighted to offer three half day camp sessions held at

the Gytes Leisure Centre, Peebles with the opportunity to learn

and develop new skills on floor, beam, bars and vault in a

fun relaxed environment. Our sessions can be booked

individually and are a great way to try gymnastics.

Sessions are £10.50 per day.

To book simply email  




NEW AcroGym

Thursdays 29th July, 5th and 12th August 16:00-17:30

We are delighted to offer our BRAND NEW AcroGym

exclusive for summer 2021! Our sessions combines

gymnastics and dance together and over the three week

course, gymnasts will work towards a display that

includes balances, skills and music! This course is a

block booking of three weeks for only £15.50.  Open to

all school age children.To book email


NEW Transition Gym

Friday 30th July, 6th and 13th August 09:00-10:00 FULL


We are delighted to offer three one off sessions for children

preparing to start school in August 2021. Our one hour

long session offers preschool children the opportunity to try

'BIG' gymnastics on the 'BIG' equipment. Our fun sessions

are only £4 per session.

To book email





Tesco Community Grant Scheme

We are delighted to share with you that we have been successful in applying to the Tesco Community Grants. We applied for funding to equipment for our new JuniorGym sessions for children 3-5 years that started in May this year.

Our project is called P.H.D FUNdamentals: Gymnastics for All; Help us develop future generations of problem solvers with our nursery age gymnastics sessions.

Voting starts today and will run until 30th September at Tesco Superstore, Peebles.

How can I vote?

To vote, you will need to make a purchase within store of any value at Tesco,

Superstore Peebles, EH45 8EQ. You will receive one token per transaction

and it's not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.

Please vote using your token for your chosen project.

We are one of three projects. The project with the highest number of

votes across your region will receive £1,500 (or the amount that was

requested up to this value), the second placed project £1,000 (or the

amount that was requested up to this value), and the third placed

project £500.

Help us become more inclusive by voting for us each time you shop at Tesco!

Every little helps


#GetIntoSummer with Youth Borders

P.H.D FUNdamentals has been successful in securing funding from Youth Borders to deliver funded spaces to provide targeted free spaces for children experiencing disadvantage through working with local partner organisations; and additional sessional staff time to manage Covid-19 mitigation. P.H.D FUNdamentals will continue to work with Peeblesshire Youth Trust and Borders Additiona Needs Group (BANG) to offer these opportunities to local children through our summer programme. 


Crowdfunder Success

We are delighted to share with you that we have raised £2,728 through our Crowdfunder page. COVID-19 and lockdown have had large scale financial implications for the club. The inability to generate income and increased running costs; enhanced cleaning products, reduced numbers in our sessions and no fundraising, mean the club is now seeking financial support to help reach its charitable objectives in 2021 and reinforce the long-term future of the club. 

As a charity, all income generated goes towards overheads including; hall hire, coaching fees, coach and volunteer education, maintenance of equipment, insurance and funded spaces.

What are we fundraising for?

To increase our reach further into the community allowing us to provide more funded spaces to children and young people who face barriers to participation.

To provide and expand our funded spaces we also need to ensure the following aspects of the club continue to be funded:

  • New coach education costs for new coaches, current coaches and volunteers, developing the skills of youngsters in our community with our Young Coach programme and furthering the development of our team. 
  • Renewal of First Aid and Child Protection courses for coaches and volunteers.
  • Support gymnasts return both physically and mentally into sessions
  • Support gymnasts families whose circumstances have changed to continue to attend sessions and feel part of the club family.
  • Equipment maintenance and upgrades (as some equipment has been untouched in over a year).
  • Replenish reserves for future projects or any further restrictions.


Your support will help ensure that P.H.D FUNdamentals can continue to provide opportunities for our community and our members, both current and future.


We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Peebles Auction House for their generous donation of £1,000. We are extremely grateful for their support and truly appreciate the donation. 


P.H.D FUNdamentals has YouTube

We have now launched our own YouTube Chanel so you can keep up to date with all the fun we are having. Find us here!


P.H.D FUNdamentals Gymnastics Elements Competition 2020

We want to say a heart felt thanks to everyone who made our Gymnastics Elements Competition possible. Well done to all the amazing gymnasts who took part today we are super proud of every single one of you. Thank you to all of Saltire Team Gymnastics gymnasts who took part and supporting us, we really appreciate it! Check out all the scores here. We hope to see you all next year! 











P.H.D FUNdamentals Elements Competition 2020

After the success of last year's two piece competition we will be hosting a third! We are delighted to inform you we are hosting our two piece Gymnastics competition on Saturday 14th March from 1pm at the Gytes Leisure Centre, Peebles. 













Frosty Fest 2019

A huge well done to all our gymnasts who put on two fantastic 'Frosty Fest' displays today! Proud coaches of all our gymnasts! We raised £1260.60 towards building a sustainable future for our club! Thank you to everyone for all your support and generosity, we really appreciate it!!











P.H.D FUNdamentals @ Gymfest 2019

P.H.D FUNdamenatls sent their first ever team to Scottish Gymnastics Gymfest 2019 held at Bells Sports Centre Perth. Team Evolution had a great time showing off their routine on a sprung floor! Check out our Team Evolution page to watch our routine. 












Movie Night with P.H.D FUNdamentals!

We will be hosting our first movie night on Friday 26th April 7-9pm at the Gytes Leisure Centre and Friday 10th May  at Queens Leisure Centre, 7-9pm!  We will be showing 'The Greatest Showman'. 

Tickets are now on sale for £5 each. Bring along a sports bottle, pillows and ear your fabulous onsie’s and PJs and we will provide the rest! Why not have a child free evening and we will collect your child from the roller disco at the Gytes LC, 6-7pm (please let us know they will be attending so we can collect them from the hall).













Spaces are limited so please get in touch your space to book your space now! Friends and family welcome too :) 


P.H.D FUNdamentals Gymnastics Element Competition 2019

Well done to everyone who took part in our two piece competition! We are very proud of our gymnasts and all the hard work in the lead up to the competition.Check out all the scores here.

Thank you you Saltire Team Gymnastics Club for attending! We are so pleased you came back for a second year.

Thank you to all the parents who helped run our cake sale, helped at registration and programes. A big thank you to all the coaches and judges who made the day possible!  Without all your support we could not have made the day a success!










P.H.D FUNdamentals Gymnastics Elements Competition 2019

P.H.D FUNdamentals are excited to announce that we will be hosting our second two piece (floor and Vault) competition, P.H.D FUNdamentals Elements Gymnastics Competition 2019. This competitions follows the British Gymnastics two piece competition rules and is the first any of our gymnasts will have had the opportunity to enter. We are hosting the competition at the Gytes Leisure Centre on Saturday 23rd March from 1pm. For more information, download the book or to enter now! 



Join P.H.D FUNdamentals!

We have spaces in our Galashiels classes on Tuesday evenings!! 

Boys only 16:30-17:30 NOW FULL

P1-3 Girls 17:30-18:30   

Secondary 19:30-20:30   

For more information email us on













P.H.D FUNdamentals are looking to train new coaches!!

We are looking to recruit new coaches. No experience needed, we will

provide the training, you just need to bring your enthusiasm, be friendly

and like to work with children. To find out more click here or email us at

Closing date is Friday 31st August 2018.






P.H.D FUNdamentals Club Championships 2018

Well done to everyone who took part in Club Championships 2018! It was amazing to see how everyone has improved and all their hard work has paid off! We would like to thank everyone for making it a great day. A BIG THANK YOU to our coaches; Millie, Amy, Kerry, Allan, Caitlin, Irene, Danny, Pete, Heather and Sophie for organising the day, judging and making it go seamlessly. Thank you to everyone who bakes cakes, the ones we had tasted so yummy! And thank you to all those who helped set up, do registration and run the stalls throughout the day!


P.H.D FUNdamentals Gymnastics Elements Competition 2018

Today we hosted our first ever two piece competition: P.H.D FUNDamentals Gymnastics Elements Competition 2018! 

Thank you to everyone who came along and supported us! Well done to everyone who took part!! You have done yourself proud! We are 😊

I would also like to thank our team who last weekend traveled to Glasgow and passed our judging course so we could host the competition today.

Thank you to all the coaches for their hard work on routines and competition etiquette, the gymnasts for working hard and putting in so much effort and parents for all your support. Very proud of our club today!

Lastly thank you to Saltire Team Gym for supporting us and being part of our day!











P.H.D FUNdamentals Gymnastics Elements  Competition 2018

P.H.D FUNdamentals are excited to announce that we will be hosting our first two piece (floor and Vault) competition, P.H.D FUNdamentals Elements Gymnastics Competition 2018. This competitions follows the British Gymnastics two piece competition rules and is the first any of our gymnasts will have had the opportunity to enter. We are hosting the competition at the Gytes Leisure Centre on Saturday 12th May from 1pm. For more information, download the book or to enter now! 

P. H. D FUNdamentals Elements two piece competition 12th May 2018


Christmas Display 2017

Thank you to everyone who came along on Sunday to Our Christmas Display 2017!

We are delighted to announce we have raised £1300!

Thank you to everyone who donated prizes
Stobo Castle
Cringletie House 
Calzeat Ltd Peebles
Inner Beauty


Thank you to everyone who donated to the food bank collection. Everyone has been so generous and we are overwhelmed with your support.


































Junior Coach of the Year 2017!

Kerry Waddell was recently awarded Junior Coach of the year 2017 at ClubSport Ettrick & Lauderdale's annual awards evening held in Gala Rugby Club. Kerry was nominated by fellow coach Gwen Bradley who has been a recipient of coach of the year previously. 

Well done to Kerry what a great role model!














Happy 6th Birthday P.H.D Fundamentals

The club is celebrating it's 6th birthday in our usual fashion, a

Halloween party! Dress up on the following dates and bring £1 for

club funds;

Thursday 26th October

Sunday 29th October

Tuesday 31st October

We will be celebrating with prizes for the best dressed, along with

birthday cake and games! Please ensure that all costumes are safe

to take partake in gymnastics and trampoline classes as usual as we

are still working towards our Christmas Display to be held on Sunday

3rd December! 

Can't wait to see your spooky costumes in class!


P.H.D FUNdamentals are looking for new coaches!

Do you love working with children? We are currently looking for trampoline coaches but don't worry if you don't have any experience we are prepared to train you in return for volunteering hours! Assistant coaches contribute to providing coaching support for the Club Coaches and assist in the delivery of the technical instructions to gymnasts. On achieving a level one coaching qualification you will receive and SQA certificate stating you have achieved an SCQF Level 4 coaching modules (equivalent to National 4 SCQF).

If this sounds of interest to you just get in touch!


easyfundraising Update

Thank you to all our supporters. We have recently received a payment for £234.41 towards club funds simply by using the easyfundraising website when shopping! It couldn't be easier, just sign up and use the website to shop. The club receives a small percentage of your shopping and it doesn't cost you a penny! #thanksamillion 

Sign up today 


NEW Gymnastics classes in Peebles!

Our new classes launching this Thursday are almost full. We have a

few spaces left in our P4-7 class, 18:30-19:30. If you would like a

space please get in touch now!







Live Borders Celebration of Sport Awards, Young Coach of the Year

On Friday 4th March, Live Borders hosted their Celebration of Sports Awards at Springwood Park, Kelso. This year was the first time a young coach of the year award was introduced. Our young coach Millie Turton became the first young coach ever to win the award! Millie was nominated after successfully winning the award at the ClubSport Tweeddale Award evening in November 2017. We are so proud of Millie!

























NEW Classes in Peebles!

On Thursday 20th April, P.H.D FUNdamentals are starting NEW

classes! To cope with the demand we have listened to your feedback

and are starting new classes. These classes are for all ages

P1-3 17:30-18:30 and P4-7 18:30-19:30. If you would like to be

added to our waiting list for these classes please get in contact.

Any remaining spaces not taken by the waiting list will be offered

to the general public from Monday 13th March 2017.


Christmas Display 2016 update

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support this year at our Christmas Display. We are pleased to announce we have raised £1150! This money will go towards coach education and some new equipment! The day was such a huge success due to all the hard work of our team, support from parents and our volunteers!

We look forward to VOMO producing our video from the display!














Christmas Display 2016

Its that time again already! Our Christmas Display is being held on Sunday 4th December at Gytes Leisure Centre, Peebles and we are super excited!

This year with the help of Traquair Paving and Restoration Company our top prize is £100 voucher for Traquair Arms Hotel, Innerleithen. 














Gymnastics Summer Camp

P.H.D FUNdamentals are delighted to host our first full week summer camp! Held at the Gytes Leisure Centre from Monday 18th to Friday 22nd July, our full day camp is 9-5pm and will include beam, bars, vault floor skills, tumble track, work shops and choreography. Our camp welcomes all ages and abilities. To book please contact our secretary or contact us using our contact page. 








A huge thank you for helping to raise £23.46 for P.H.D Fundamentals by shopping online the easyfundraising way. Every penny makes a real difference so please remember to keep collecting free donations every time you shop and help us raise even more

Keep up the great work, this money will help towards purchasing new equipment!


Annual General Meeting 2016

It's that time of year again where we invite all parents along to our AGM. This year we are holding it on Sunday 29th May at the Gytes Leisure Centre. This is your opportunity to get involved in your local community club and help shape the clubs future, so get involved. We are currently looking to elect the following roles

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chairperson
  • Child Protection Coordinator
  • Treasurer
  • Fundraising Officer
  • Health and safety Officer

For more information or job descriptions please get in contact. 


Club Championships 2016
Our Club Championships which is due to be held on Sunday 5th June 2016 has now been postponed until September.  More details will be released closer to the time. 


Sponsored Event

On Sunday 5th June 2016 P.H.D FUNdamentals will be holding our first sponsored event. We will be holding a Cartwheel-a-thon for our gymnastics classes aiming for 800 cartwheels per class and a Somersault-a-thon in our trampoline classes aiming for 200 somersaults per class. Each child is asked to raise £20 each and for those who do will receive a club exclusive one time only vest top or t-shirt! All monies raised will go towards new equipment and restoration of one of our trampolines!


P.H.D FUNdamentals Easter Day Camp 2016


P.H.D FUNdamentals is hosting our first Easter day camp at the Gytes Leisure

Centre. Our full day camp 9-5pm is for all ages and levels experiencing beam,

bars, vault, floor, tumble track, choreography and work shops. Lots of fun and

only £25. To book either contact our secretary or contact using our contact us 



Christmas Display 2015

Our Christmas Display was held on Sunday 6th December 2015 at Gytes Leisure Centre, Peebles.  

With the help of Traquair Paving and Restoration Company  for our fabulous Spa day and over night stay at the Macdonald Cardrona Peebles Hotel, we raised £998.60! Thank you to all the parents who helped baking cakes, setting up and down, selling club kit, taking money and supporting us, we really appreciate your help.

Looking forward to Christmas Display 2016 already!