Fundraising is vital to ensure we an continue to offer the best opportunities, maintain our equipment whilst giving back to the community. In order to raise more money, P.H.D Fundamentals has adopted some easy fundraising ideas;
Gift Aid
As a charity we can benefit from gift aid on much of our fundraising. To help, simply
sign up for gift aid by completing one of our gift aid forms in class. We can claim
up to 25% back which will help us to develop our goals.
Easy Fundraising
P.H.D FUNdamentals are affiliated to easy fundraising website. This is a great way of earning extra cash for club funds. Its easy and simple to use too.
When you are next online go onto and register for free with the club. From then on when you are shopping online do it through the easy fundraising website with your user details.
There are no extra hidden costs you will pay exactly the same price for your
online shopping and the club will be donated up to 15% on purchases made.
There are many retailers who are affiliated to easy fundraising such as HMV,
M&S, Amazon and many many more. If you use the search bar, for every
2 searches you do we receive 1p.
To date we have raised over £536.28, helping us raise more to put a coach through
a coaching course.